Friday, May 30, 2008

Blogging for Idiots

I've spent hours on these blogs and yet you have already read and looked at everything I've done in less than 5 minutes! Well, let's just say I'm learning. But I want to say thank you to all of you who supported me in this blog endeavor, namely my sister-in-law Sarah, who wrote me some gibberish about how to fix things and make things cute that ended up being very useful once I figured them out. Thanks for Sheri and Sarah for inspiring me and setting me on the right track. And I guess I need to thank my mom who has just always believed in me. Yeah, it's late. I'll add something worthwhile soon, but thanks for checking it out.


Sarah said...

I LOVE your blog decor!! I am so glad you are "up and running":) What a good idea to do the kids' blogs too--they are super cute!

frankroundyclan said...

Amber Shelly Belly - Seeing all this just made me so mushy -Your family is so cute and blessed to have you for a momma.
I love you, Love mom