Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lotsa Turtles

I'm always trying to take the kids exciting places and to do educational things with them. We've gone to Sea World, museums, zoos, spent hours driving, packed a million PB&J's... And then a few weeks ago I found a gem of a place literally across the street from where I live! We walked through our neighbor and Sam's buddy Logan's backyard (they have access to the gardens) to the coolest little turtle pond in the heart of the UCR Botanic Gardens. We chose the hottest day of the year so far, but that meant all of the turtles were out sunning. The kids counted turtles (19!) and then ooh'ed and aah'ed at the koi and other fish. After the turtles, we wandered through the beautiful foliage trying to get hit with sprinklers and stay in the shade. We've been here for 5 years and only visited the gardens once before, and then without really exploring much. It proves that you don't need to go much further than your own backyard to enjoy the beauty of the earth!

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