We have always conferred with a professional baby-namer when deciding our children's names. This year, her top suggestion was House Special #4 (I think she had just eaten Chinese). She wanted us to name Lucy either Bam-bam or Hertie Gertie. ACTUALLY, she's not so much a professional baby-namer as she is a co-worker of Chris'. But we always enjoy her creative opinion. We went another direction, though.
So what DID we name Barney Boy #3 and Barney kid #4???
So what DID we name Barney Boy #3 and Barney kid #4???
Mark Henry! Isn't it lovely? He was born just a day past his due date and weighed in at 7lb 4oz. He's absolutely perfect (I think the jaundiced look gives those first weeks of baby pictures a little bit of a Hollywood "fake bake" look). He's eating, sleeping, and doing all of the other unmentionables babies love doing without any problems! I am eating him up. I always dread the new born phase and once the baby is born, I fall in love and wonder what I was so concerned about! Then again, I've had a lot of help in my mom and husband this week so ask me again next week...I might be a bit more frazzled. But now I am quite enjoying this sweet new spirit. The rest of the family loves him, too. Sam's already given him a dance lesson and Ben enjoys holding him for up to 10 seconds at a time, as long as he's sleeping.
Chris got put in as bishop about 8 days after the baby was born.
You have no idea how excited I am!!! #1) You actually posted a blog! #2) That little Mark is just the cutest thing ever! I cannot wait to meet him in 6-ish weeks!!!
Congratulations Amber! He is beautiful! Hope all is well.
Wow Bishop! That's intense. And Amber you look so beautiful after just having a baby. You are amazing. And little Mark is adorable. Congratulations and Best of luck.
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