I love musicals. I grew up watching Hello Dolly and Fiddler on the Roof. At 10 years old I got to dress up like a princess and attend Phantom of the Opera. I only remember Grandpa snoring through the loud, intense organ solo part. Later my Dad introduced me to Les Miserable. And now it seems like everything is being put into the form of a musical nowadays, right? From great literary works (Les Mis, and even greater works!) to historical happenings (1776), music helps us learn and remember and feel as a group. Sometimes our home becomes a little bit of a musical.
Our day: We wake up. I sing Marky a song they used to sing to us at girls camp to wake us up"Good morning to you, good morning to you. You look kind of sleepy, in fact you look creepy, is that any way to start a new day." It sounds mean, but it's got a nice tune so he thinks I'm saying nice things.
The kids get off to school and Ben helps with the chores as I tra-la-la a little motivation -- by the way, what mother wrote this song and do kids really believe it? I hope mine do! "When we're helping we're happy and we sing as we go, for we love to help Mother for we all love her so." Then my favorite part: "Tra la la la la la la, tra la la la la la!"
The first little word is "Thanks" and the other little word is "Please."
When you want the butter, say "Please, pass the butter,"
and do it with a great big happy smile!
And when you get the butter, say "Thanks for the butter."
And when you get the butter, say "Thanks for the butter."
Manners never go out of style!"
My neighbor caught Ben and I jumping on the trampoline singing "I like to move it, move it!" a few days ago.
After school I sing "We are all enlisted til the homework is o'er, happy are we, happy are we." I imagine they would sing "We don't need no education" if they knew it.
A few minutes later I sing "There is beauty all around, when there's love at home (and I might interject -- when we're not poking our sister or calling our brother doo doo breath)."
Mark will only let me rinse his hair in the tub if I sing "If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops, oh what a world it would be! I would go outside with my mouth open wide. Ah ah ahh ahh ahh ahh ah!" He still looks a little scared -- he doesn't like water on his head -- but he closes his eyes and smiles a little if I sing. Mostly he just wanders around saving the world (poor 4th kid gets his big brothers undies for a Halloween costume!).
Cousins came to visit and sang "Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me."

Bedtime brings a slew of traditional tunes -- "Let us gather in a circle and kneel in family prayer"...we used to sing "I love to see the temple" every night. Sometimes Chris and I would sing it together, taking turns saying each word. It's a funny little challenge and harder than it sounds. Try it. Now the kids can do it with us.
We sang Happy birthday to Mark on this day:
And here's Lucy singing "Walk like an egyptian"
Too cute!!! I love all your singing. I wish I sang more, but quite frankly I am HORRIBLE withe music in ALL forms.
Thanks for lunch today!
you brought your mama to tears...Thanks sweetie for being such a good mama.
Love, Mom
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