Saturday, February 18, 2012

How did your day begin?

This is how mine began yesterday:

6:37 am (mind you -- it's a holiday and the kids have school off so I was banking on a few extra minutes in bed this morning). Lucy magically appears in front of me. I never hear her approach. She likes to be sneaky and then wake me up with various methods (patting the bed loudly until I wake up, tapping the bedside table -- she doesn't like to speak for some reason. I guess that seems too intrusive). This morning she chose the "poke on the forehead" technique to rouse me. A few pokes and I'm wide-eyed.

"Ben peed frew." that enough reason to get up? He can dress himself. "OK" I say and she seems satisfies and skips out. Back to dreamland.

6:44 am. Ben doesn't concern himself with stealth as he enters out room. "Moooommy (rising voice with long vowel the kind you use when you're about to tell on someone-- not the cow sound- .)" By the way, he's wearing only undies but that means he's working on getting dressed. I'm worried he's going to wake Mark up and then I'll really have to get out of bed, but Mark's out cold. "Sam told the troof on me."

Hmm...I don't know what that means but it's pretty cute. That's worth waking my better half up to share.

"Daddy--did you hear that?" Chris -- groggily -- "Yes" he chuckles "Sam told the truth on you, huh?"

Ben feels vindicated already and runs out of the room and I'm snoring in 30 seconds.

6:54 am. Lucy ninjas up again, but has more of an agenda this time. "Mooom" (same rise in her voice as Ben earlier). "Sam thinks he's the boss of us. He -- he--he (she stutturs sometimes when she's worked up) won't let us have ceweal (cereal) unless we eat the stwawberries!"

Hmmm...well, I don't know what that means either but the baby's stirring by now and it looks like Mom's plan to sleep on the job won't work this morning. The day promises to be a good one. Here I come laundry, troof-tellers, and stwawberry haters!


kristi roundy said...

I've been at shad's all week and after taking care of Preston and Bonnie, I strangely can understand all of what your kids were saying. Thanks for sharing your morning. I loved it, love and miss you.

Sarah said...

You are so good at writing out things in kid-speak! So great you took the time to write it down too...that is a great way to start the day! :)

Danny and Amy said...

The only part of your morning that I can relate to is the "peed frew" part. I can't imagine what it will be like when I have more than one kid that can talk! I'm really not prepared to have big kids. Thanks for blazing the trail, sis!